Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Finish

I am happy to report that not only did I finish one of the quilts on my list, but also I managed to write a blog post (on the road with blog app issues no less) in time to link to Amanda Jean's finish it up Friday !

This quilt is for a dear friend's mom who starts chemo on Monday. My hope is this quilt brings her some measure of warmth and comfort during a very difficult time. The idea of a whole cloth quilt with borders came from Stephanie's blog post sharing pictures of her quilt group's September gathering. Those posts never fail to inspire me!

For those who like the details, the quilt measures 48x63; the inner piece of circles is Olivia by Rosemarie Levin; the purple outer border is Zoo Menagerie; backing is pieced from more Olivia (also the binding which was machine stitched) with green Moda Lush by Erin Michael and purple Chloe's Imagination by Tina Givens.

I don't often say this (if ever), but I am very pleased with the quilting (stippling in this case) effect. I might even admit to liking the quilting step of the process. Amazing, right? I think having proper tools helped such as an extra side table to support the weight of the quilt and those lovely gloves for traction ;-) The thread was a greenish blue variegated from Mettler which provides just the right balance between blending in and standing out. After washing and drying it has the loveliest crinkly look and feel!

Max loves to take part in the photo shoots, this time protecting the quilt from curious neighborhood squirrels. I like the idea of the circle quilt having its picture taken inside the brick circle.

I'm learning the best times of the day to take pictures outside my house. For example, the sun is too bright in the morning when these pictures were taken, but the afternoon was too hectic for a photo shoot. Hopefully I'll remember this for the next quilt's portrait;-)

I gave much thought to the question of a label and the appropriate wording for this situation. Until this morning I didn't even know the name of my friend's mom (who doesn't live nearby). I felt playing twenty questions (what's your mom's full name, how do you spell her hometown....) was not a good idea at the time. For now this is the only label.

Thanks for letting me share this quilt's story. Have an amazing weekend!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your quilt is beautiful and yes, your quilting does make it better. I have never seen a label like yous before. Did you have them made up special or do you do them yourself. I found your blog from my friend Linda H. Thanks for sharing your quilting adventures.
